Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A couple of Ebay Auctions

#1 A tin can ukulele!

This is not just a cheap neck stuck to a can or cigar box, this is a new mahogany and walnut neck made to fit this instrument. The body is an italian espresso can with a mahogany bridge. Aquila strings, soprano scale and gotoh tuners. How does it sound? Well kind of like a ukulele made out of a tin can! I will post a youtube video for all the curious out there so you know what you are getting.

Great playability, unique look and sound. You know your collection is missing this!

#2 A Vintage Reed Ukulele (thanks to Antebellum Instruments for an introduction to this brand)

1 comment:

  1. I been watching that Tin Can Uke on ebay just for fun. Look at the number of bids WOW!
